Epler Health
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June 14 2012 – Gary Epler
Exercise Saved My Life
“I’d be dead if I didn’t exercise!” John said. “John, I wouldn’t know you ever had pancreatic cancer,” the doctor told John after his recent set of x-ray studies in June 2012. This is what John told me this morning after our spin class at the sports club near Boston. According to his doctors, John Diarbakerly shouldn’t be alive today....
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March 30 2012 – Gary Epler
Mean Boss at Your Office? - Try This!
Start with managing your mind at work. Stress, anger, and worry top the list of unhealthy feelings. How do you deal with these issues? The single most important factor is to develop a positive approach to your workday, no matter what the conditions are. It’s a powerful way to eliminate these issues, and a bonus is that you will have...
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January 20 2012 – Gary Epler
5 Steps to Portion Control
How many times have you marveled or envied someone who has a healthy weight and seems to eat whatever they want? Oh, they’re just lucky, you think. Or they have the right genes or a fast metabolism. My suspicion? It’s not luck, they work at it. They pay attention. No one can really eat whatever and whenever...
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